who we are

Creatures of the Night connects communities and families through a feeling of wonder and trepidation. Creatures’ highest priority is safety – of the physical surroundings and internal process – for the actors and for our guests. In our method of storytelling, we believe it is the inner child that is on a journey of challenging and overcoming fears, both physical and internal. Every participant is always in control of the experience and their level of comfort. Under that umbrella, Creatures seeks to foster and promote the following:

▪ Education / Mentorship
▪ Community Engagement and Inclusion
▪ Family Friendly Entertainment
▪ Situationally Connective Deep Themed Storytelling
▪ Therapeutic Milieu Based Experiences

▪ Innovation in Design
▪ Recycling / Sustainable Practices
▪ Environmental Protection
▪ Conservation
▪ Cruelty Free Treatment of Animals